커피찾는남자 / Coffee Explorer

A Thermodynamic Approach to Roasting Parameters andStages of Roast_Paul Songer 본문
A Thermodynamic Approach to Roasting Parameters andStages of Roast_Paul Songer
Coffee Explorer 2020. 4. 8. 23:20A Thermodynamic Approach to Roasting Parameters andStages of Roast_Paul Songer
Summary and conclusions: The roasting process is a thermodynamic process that involves manipulating the heat of the environment (the roasting chamber) in order to bring about chemical changes within the system (the mass of coffee). The success of the process is due toSummary and conclusions: The roasting process is a thermodynamic process that involves manipulating the heat of the environment (the roasting chamber) in order to bring about chemical changes within the system (the mass of coffee). The success of the process is due to the final degree of roast, the time of roast, and the processes that have occurred as the result of application of heat. Response of the green beans that make up the system to the changes in heat is due to quality, its density, and moisture content. The physical factors of density and moisture content will change as the roast progresses. Each stage in the roasting process is dependent on the amount of heat already absorbed by the system and the roaster must anticipate the amount of heat that will be required. At all stages there is the possibility of losing the roast (allowing the system to exotherm too much of its heat) or burn, carbonizing and adding undesirable flavors to the roast.